Withdrawals Overview

2 min. readlast update: 03.01.2024

Withdrawals from programs are available from the moment the closed balance of the account reaches $50 above the account starting size. You do not need to wait until you hit a pre-defined profit target. Any withdrawals will not lower your effective High Water-Mark, see Our Relative Drawdown page for details.

In order to withdraw, the account must have no open trades (the account must be flat). You can only make a withdrawal request from within the user dashboard. If you are not eligable for a withdrawal, the withdrawal button within the user dashboard will be greyed out.

There may be a different initial delay and withdrawal frequency intervals depending on which program is selected. 

We urge account holders to study and understand the withdrawal criteria before selecting one of the programs. 

All withdrawal requests will be processed as quickly as possible. Many payments get processed within the same day of the request, all payments are generally processed within 2 business days unless we are experiencing unusually high demand.

Example of the withdrawal process:

A 'FT+ Simulated Live' account is $105,000.
There are no open trades on this account and the account is eligable for a withdrawal.
A trader makes a withdrawal request of $5000 from the account.
The account has a profit split of 80/20 (80%) assigned.
The Funded Trading Plus risk department reviews and accepts the request
The trader recieves a form that allows them to decide their perfered method of payment
The trader recieves $4000 (80% of $5000 = $4000).

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